Wednesday, July 8, 2009

slow going I know

I have been so busy things are crazy here. I had planned to get more info here sooner but things keep coming up. This is to let ya'll know our most recent developments. My son chubby, age 6 has always been sick, constipation, impacted colon. Many hospital trips. He had problems as a breast fed baby. I finally fond a doc to listen! She sent him to a specialist. She did lots of tests. He is now on a dairy free diet, and laxative for min of 1 1/2 year to hopefully retrain his bowel and reverse some of the damage done over the last 6 years. She checked for Celia Disease. According to her the blood work came back no. But while waiting I started reading about celiac and gluten free, wow what a shock. A large part of the kids have some or most of the symptoms, some worse than others. Since the blood tests came back no for him she wont do the intestinal biopsy. So we are gluten free to see what happens. If he shows improvement I let her know and we go from there. Since its hard to cook separate meals, and gluten is in everything. I would cook separate, I would also risk him eating something to make him ill, and I want to see the other kids reactions, do they improve any in some problem areas. We are all doing it. I have found many resources with info. I will add them to the links. It has been harder with no dairy also. I have read that Autistic kids sometime improve or have all symptoms go away with no gluten, so we will see.

1 comment:

  1. hey, jaelene,
    we started t drinking distilled water with NO
    minerals, but we put in trace mineral drops and we were so amazed at the difference in her,
    that we tried it out also. wow what a difference.
    we found distilled water with no minerals at
    pure water oasis inc.
    we drink 20oz. before breakfast.and all through out the day.
    are skin in soft, we feel great, we go to the bathroom more and better too.
    tap water is not good, please do not drink it.
    other good item is....
    hydrogen peroxide -- 35% food grade
    also known as H2O2 = oxygen + water...
    we have not tried this but we want to soon,
    and we sounds wonderful...
    it is an everything item....
    being kind to each other,
    makes the day go by better, faster,
    always enjoy, be happy, be safe,


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